I won’t lie, positive testing, to me, tends to be one of the most boring, albeit incredibly necessary, types of testing. It is seriously so important, but for some reason is the one of the only ways of testing I find super tedious; I think it’s because I’m naturally pretty creative so having to do a certain set of steps only, to test if something works correctly, tends to be pretty boring.
I actually rarely ever just do one type of testing at a time, rather I’ll do positive testing, boundary testing, and negative testing all at the same time. This not only gives me a better idea of what is working with the application, but is much more interesting – which for me is needed, as testing can get quite repetitive.
Positive testing is the type of testing that uses valid data, or positive data, with testing. For example, with our Facebook login page test the positive test would be logging in with valid credentials. Positive tests determine if the application does what it is supposed to do with positive data/inputs according to the acceptance criteria.
Part of positive testing, and using expected/valid data is to ensure you are not encountering any errors when you aren’t supposed to.