Blog Posts

What is a Test Case?

If you were putting together a bookshelf, and all you had were photos with no labels or further instructions, could you put the shelf together correctly? For most of us, probably not. My Ikea bookshelves and the nightmare it was to put those together WITH instructions can attest to that. Those instructions are like a test case - they walk you through how to do something step by step. With a bookshelf it would tell you what the pieces are

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What is QA?

When people ask what I do, and I respond with, "I'm a QA tester", or "I'm a QA Engineer" they have no idea what that means, or they think I do call monitoring. If I try to elaborate and tell them I test software, or even give examples, they get glassy eyed, nod, mumble something about that being nice, and change the subject. So, what is a QA Engineer? What do they do? It's often said that QA Engineers are

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