I love day planners, making lists, rearranging things, even packing and unpacking to move, because I love going through things and organizing. So, test plans are totally my jam. They are an excuse/reason to channel all of my annoying organization quirks into something actually useful to more than just myself. I usually try to have a planning meeting with devs, PM, and QA to talk through where we are, what I think needs to be tested and how. I also …
Author: Pax
Have you ever heard of a Capsule Wardrobe? It's pretty much narrowing down your clothing and accessories to a certain number of items, which when combined can make numerous different outfits. A test suite is a collection of a minimum number of test cases that when combined, make up a suite that thoroughly tests a certain feature. I love well thought out test cases and test suites, as they just make my life so much easier. A poorly put together …
I'm all about finding deals, buying used, and then passing things along. However, used doesn't always mean quality, and I'm a bit of a quality snob too. (I mean, I'm a QA Engineer...it comes with the territory). So, what's the first thing I do when I go to a thrift store, or buy something from a yard sale site, etc? I check if the item functions as it should - if it's clothes for my kids, do they have holes …
To me, recipe books without photos are a waste. I like to see what I'm making, and know what it should come out looking like. For real, why in the world does anyone make a recipe book with no photos? Acceptance criteria is like the photos in a recipe book; it gives you the picture of what something should do, look like, etc. Without it you may have an idea of what you're cooking, or what you're testing, but you …
If you were given a recipe for a cake to follow, and it just gave you a list of ingredients, no amounts or what to put in when, could you successfully make the cake? If you have experience baking you might be able to wing it and end up with something similar, but it wouldn't be the same as what the recipe described. So, with a well written recipe for a cake with amounts, instructions, and even sometimes photos (at …