Regression testing is honestly one of the worst parts of testing, usually, at least to me. It is so repetitive, and can take forever. I've been at places where it's legitimately taken 4+ weeks of regression testing prior to a release, and by the end we all had test blinders on. Regression testing is going back and checking what has worked before, and ensuring that your change didn't affect past functionality in an unexpected, or unintended way. Depending on how …
Author: Pax
By nature I'm very thorough, an over-thinker, and perfectionist. In other words, I can be a pain in the ass, but these qualities actually all help me quite a bit as a QA Engineer. However, at my first ever QA job trying to decide what to test when, how long to test, and to not over test was one of my biggest challenges. And, it resulted in so much stress and countless late nights testing at home, and let's be …
Session based testing is right up there with regression testing for me on my list of least favorites. Going into testing with a set amount of time, say 90 minutes, with no interruptions allowed just isn't my cup of tea. When it's crunch time, sure. I work very, very well under pressure. But if not, I find that taking a break here and there, or having a "distraction" like music playing or a co-worker interrupting asking for help actually helps …
You know when you were younger (or if you're me maybe just last week younger) and you broke something, so you hid it, or glued it, or turned it a certain way so no one would notice and you wouldn't get in trouble? That's kind of like a hot fix. Hot fixes tend to happen when a bug is discovered in prod that cannot wait to be fixed - it has to be fixed right away, and hopefully before any …
A bug/defect goes through many different phases from discovery to when it's fixed. Just because you find it doesn't mean it's high priority and on the list to be fixed, or honestly, that there are plans any time soon to fix it. Can this be frustrating? Hell yes. As QA you want quality, your job is to find these issues and report them with the goal of them being fixed and a better customer experience, however, with how fast things …